New Ideas New Times
Sometimes, when you're trying something new, you need to experiment.
When I do this, I'm reminded of a baby who, when presented with a new object, will try to do everything to a new object, including putting it in its mouth, banging on the floor, etc. We always marvel at how kids usually end up having the most fun with the box a new toy came in. What amazes me is that no toy manufacturer has ever thought to figure out a way to sell the boxes as toys. Think of it!
Anyway, I haven't written anything lately because I've been consumed with RSS Feeds and RSS Feed Readers and even an RSS Publisher. I've amassed mountains of literature on this and have made very little head way. Maybe my problem is I can't put it in my mouth... but I'd like to bang it on the table.
I did find several awesome sites related to feeds: there's a site that will convert (actually, act as a portal) those long chains of text to one or two lines of java script or html, among others.
I have also been busy helping a new sign-up get themselves together. It's amazing. I forget how many scam artists and "slick snake-oil" salesmen still reside on the internet. Unfortunately, my newbie has encountered one that's an out-and-out scam and another that is of a murkier sort: that skates the edge of ethics with hairline precision. Navigating her through these waters hasn't been easy. I just hope she doesn't give up. In no time at all, it will be a walk in the park to her, too.
Back to the taxes.-- mo
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