Noblese Oblige, Google
The following is the "contact us" email I just sent to google about their adwords-- after wasting half of MY afternoon (not to mention part of the morning) trying to set up one of their adwords account-- which, by the way, I am also expected to PAY for... hah!
"First of all this is my THIRD ticket to you without any response in the matter. I sent two over 6 hours ago and have still not heard back from you. That kind of response rate may be acceptable for joe-blow who runs a one-man operation in singapore, but when your company acts as if it owns the internet, a faster turn around time is expected.
"Now to the issue at hand. SINCE I never heard back from you about whether or not my old adwords account still existed, I went ahead and set up a new adword account. I already had an adsense account. And I just went through the ENTIRE process of setting up the stupid adwords account but, after clicking on the verificaton email link, I was then told I did NOT have an adwords account-- oh, but would I like to create one!!!!!!!@@!!
"My time is valuable to me... more than YOUR stupid asinine, not to mention, wholly defective system.
"It's better to do one thing right than ten things poorly-- get it together, google. Or you won't be on top much longer.
"Remember: one unhappy customer never walks out alone... because they take all the people they tell about the incident with them-- all those thinking about joining... I have over 60 people who are in my direct downline and listen when I say something... not to mention those that read my blog everyday... if you think this won't go unreported, you're wrong.
"Believe me. You don't run the internet quite yet. And at the rate you're going, you're headed for the same place Prodigy ended up. Oh, maybe not for a few years. But when you start to cut customer service, it's like cutting the roots away from a tree. Noblese oblige. Look it up. Learn it. Know it. And don't ever forget it.
"Not knowing it is the core problem with the whole corporate system today and the reason it WILL fall."
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