What's New At The Den
There have been a lot of significant changes at my site, Tracker Mo's Den recently.
The most dynamic change has been a complete re-alignment of the focus of the site itself, which used to feature the most promising business opportunities but is now focusing solely on effective marketing tools. And the reason for this shift is very simple.
It came about as a response to the amount of feedback received related to the actual work of marketing. Too often, new marketers are completely lost when it comes to learning how to market online, never mind what to market. Because the fact is, until one knows what to do, they cannot possibly succeed.
But newbies are so anxious to make money that they put the cart before the horse, so to speak. Many new marketers waste time and energy, some thinking that it's a matter of finding the "right" program (and skipping from program to program, rather than focusing their energies on any one); others think it's a matter of spending enough money and will join the most expensive program out there, some of which charge upwards of $1000-5000!!!
And then there are the programs that skim over the nitty-gritty details of learning to market, i.e., the actual nuts-and-bolts of marketing. Sure, there are quite a few sites that profess to teach marketing. I've looked over a couple of the top sites in this category-- and, let me tell you, none of them explain some of the most elemental aspects of marketing.
I have yet to find a site that will admit, for instance, that the kind of marketing depends on the kind of site one is promoting. And none of them explain the most basic ingredients to being a marketer. Instead, they leave this up to the newbie to figure out-- which is a huge reason why so many marketers fail!!!!
For instance, I have sat and explained to new downline members how to copy and paste their affiliate links-- and why they must do this, rather than trying to type it in!! These are people who have already belonged to other marketing systems; who have been marketing for some time! Some of whom have even belonged to those "we'll teach you to market" sites.
The truth is, they haven't learned a thing.
So, rather than promote programs that will succeed provided the members can market, I've taken a step back and decided to focus on the best marketing tools and how to use them.
I'm also in the process of creating a newsletter that is a barebones, no-nonsense series of emails that will teach the elemental basics of working online. It's going to be called Tracker Mo's BootCamp and will be coming out in the next few weeks. You can sign up for it here or on my main site's pagge. When it launches, I will announce that here.
Learning to market is the REAL first step. . . and trying to avoid it is like a baby trying to run before it can crawl.--mo
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