The Ultimate Safelist Survival Guide
Every day lots of ebooks are written and, for the most part, they are not worth the paper they're printed on-- haha! (Not printed on paper, get it?)
But just the other day, a new ebook about safelist marketing came out, called The Ultimate Safelist Survival Guide, which is actually an ebook and 5 videos. Now, I happen to be familiar with one of the writers of this ebook, who is the site owner of the Dragon Surf Traffic Exchange, Soren Jordansen, and he asked me to read The USSG.
Let me tell you: I never push junk. And as a safelist marketer, I read through this ebook and watched all the videos -- and LEARNED SO MUCH about how to kick up my marketing within Safelists-- none of which involves getting pro accounts, I might add! There are so many little tips and tricks in this ebook, I couldn't believe it. And they come from someone who markets using safelists almost exclusively. In fact, he says he is known as the "Safelist King" which I must say is very true, having read the book.
It's not a long ebook (one of the great things about ebooks, if you ask me), only about 17 pages. But length has nothing to do with quality. In fact, because he jumps right in and wastes no extra space, I appreciate the fact that it's short. Heck, I often wonder why someone complains when an ebook is short... then, conversely, complains that there's too much to read on the internet.
The videos, too, are awesome. They show you, step-by-step, how to spend as little time as possible, yet get the most out of safelists. I've been seriously safelist marketing for over 6 months now and I must say, I learned a great deal about this field in just a few minutes.
The best part about The Ultimate Safelist Survival Guide is that the whole set (ebook and videos) is ONLY $7.00 and is an instant download, as soon as you pay.
If you thought you knew all there was to know about safelists, this book will open your eyes.--mo
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