Friday, May 25, 2007

Exactly Who Thinks They're Winning?

Well, I know I promised an update on MY activities but first-- a slam session.

About frame-breakers and forced pop-ups.

I mean, exactly WHO thinks their winning with those? Do they understand ANYTHING about the mind of their victims? I, for one, would go OUT OF MY WAY, to avoid any company/program that used frame-breaking pages. Besides the ethics of the matter, there's the practical side of it. Frame-breakers CANNOT advertise on most traffic-generating sites... they get banned. Do they really think I'm going to risk that etool just for their stupid program? Honestly...

Are they stupid?

And the same goes for the latest rash of what I call "forced pop-ups" (those pages that FORCE the viewer to click on a pop-up link before exiting the page) . Especially coming on the heels of that ##!%$^& Drive Cleaner virus, I would rather close the traffic exchange than click ANYWHERE on those links. And, yes, I report them each time I encounter them. I hate pop-ups to begin with, but Forced pop-ups? No... that's garbage.

What I want to know is, when are these people going to learn? Being clever is a world of apart from being smart. Having a forced pop-up or a frame-breaker probably makes them LOSE more sign-ups than gain... if they were good marketers, they would understand that. Because the first thing good marketers know is : don't tick off the customer!