A Special Offer, Just For You, My Bloggers
For anyone who has been watching this blog diligently, now is the time to show my thanks.
I will soon be offering a Special Incentive for those who become a Country Club distributor through me and my links (yes, that includes the one to the right). But I am not promoting that incentive for another day or two. Until then, dear bloggers, YOU are the only ones to know about this and take advantage of it.
And, if I do say so myself, this is a pretty awesome offer. Through a special arrangement, I will give, as a thank you, a
3 night / 2 day trip
to any of 20 North American Cities
It doesn't include transportation, but the various cities are within driving distance of most areas in North America. Plus, while there are some black-out dates, you have 1 full year from the date you redeem the voucher to use it. So that gives you plenty of time to make travel arrangements or cash in those frequent flier miles!
Oh! And, NO, you do NOT have to sit through any time-share presentations or sales promotions. I wouldn't do that to anyone! All you have to do is have fun. :))
The only costs are a $10 processing fee and the room tax, which is approximately $10-25 per night, depending on location. So, go ahead,
check it out.
AND, if you ALSO sign up for a BizBuzz Silver Membership (again, only through MY links), you will ALSO receive a voucher worth $500 in Casino Credit good toward the purchase of food, shows and casino chips in LAS VEGAS, NEVADA (though, ironically enough, Nevada residents are exempt from this). Imagine that! A weekend in Las Vegas almost FREE-- and, if your luck holds, you could even MAKE money at the tables!
The best part is, the total value of this package is well over $1000-- and all you have to do is sign up for The Country Club and get a Silver BizBuzz Membership, both of which are amazing programs themselves! Heck, between the two of them, you'll set yourself up to make money automatically! Then YOU'LL be giving away free trips, too!
So, go ahead. Check them out. Oh! And if you have any questions, email me or leave comments here.--mo