Wednesday, June 14, 2006

NOT business As Usual, If The FTC Has Its Way

This is a major reason why it is sometimes so hard to stick to any kind of schedule. I have just spent my entire morning and most of the afternoon spreading the word to just about everyone I know about this new, proposed Ruling by the FTC, The "New Business Opportunity Rule."

If it is passed (this Friday), this rule would effectively mean that all business opportunities (specifically MLMs and Party programs), would be forced to operate under the constraints of franchises.

(Full Article)

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Send YOUR Comments To The FTC
Hurry! They are Only Accepting Comments until 16 Jun-- THIS FRIDAY!

Downlines!, Oh, Those Downlines!

The whole premise of MLM systems is that uplines take care of their downlines. They should reach out to them and teach them, even if they're new themselves. This way, a new marketer has someone who can mentor them, offer them practical guidance, etc.

Yet, I find, time and again, marketers are reticent to help their downlines. In fact, just today, I was on a forum and a poster was asking a question about finding out some information-- who should they ask? Should they go and post a help ticket? Now, without divulging anything private, I can say the information was about a new sign up. So I responded by suggesting, "why don't you ask the sign-up???" I then began launching into a tirade about this whole topic.

I mean Aren't Uplines SUPPOSED to help their sign-ups?

(Full Article)