Oh, Happy Day! The Difference 1/10 can make!
Well, I'm proud to say that Trackermo.com now has a page ranking of 3-- yeah!
I'm not sure why. Heck, I'm not even sure what prompted me to check it today. But I did and it was-- yeah! That may not sound like much of a change -- from 2/10 to 3/10, but when you consider that only places like google, yahoo and ebay have rankings of 10/10, 1/10 starts to take on a whole new significance. After all, a small-business site like mine can only hope to reach 6/10 or 7/10, at most.
Maybe it's the RSS Feed. I just indexed it on Friday. . . hmmm. Or is it because of my diligent efforts in reciprocal linking. . . ?