Getting Back To Page One
Well, it's been some time since I updated this. I'm sure no one's still paying attention but that's okay.
A lot has changed in the last year and it kept me away from posting. Plus, of course, I tried to re-direct all my blog entries back to my own site... don't do that. LOL! I lost all page ranking on my blog when I did that-- apparently the Big "G" did not appreciate that in the least. (You do know that Google owns, right? That's why blogs on get favorable ranking in the google SE.)
Anyway, since the great OPFM debacle, I have been much more careful about promoting anything that I am not 100% sure is honest and ethical. How do I do that? Only market things I am in direct control of, obviously.
Like trafficprolist is my own site... I branched out in Nov 2006 and opened that. And I think it's one of the better credit-based safelists around simply because I, myself, market with safelists. And, frankly, it's because I wanted one to run the way I thought it should.
And LAB, of course... I was offered a partnership (not just a JVP, but a real, working partnership)... and I agreed, because I saw how it was run-- ethically and honestly. Also, it has real products and no MLM... about as non-OPFM as can be. And then, of course, there's my own ebook, Tracker Mo's Bootcamp. Well, that's my OWN product, so I can't quibble about the "control factor" there.
Still, it dawned on me that I really have to get back to basics. Oh, I have several other projects in the works, true... actually, it's because of hold-ups on those that I even have time to write this today.
But I intend to do much more than that.
For starters, I realized I have to go back and practise what I preach; to do as all the conventional wisdom dictates to succeed online. And that is, focus all my efforts on one, single page. I've tried to remain focused. To keep promoting my own home page... But, I thought (which is never a good idea because trying to be smart often back-fires, doesn't it?), if I add a page to my SITE, for instance about TrafficProList then I am still sending traffic TO my page... but that's not how it works.
Instead, I discovered the horrible truth (which, yes, I was vaguely aware it might be so):
on your
Otherwise, your marketing, again becomes splintered and, instead of blasting thousands of hits to one, main page, it's all over the place.
This is marketing 101, straight out of PIPs... sigh. How soon we forget.
I really must knock that into my head. What's funny is that I am constantly telling others this. Yet, what do I do? Add a splasph page for LAB and promote that... add a splash page for TPL and promote that... tsk, tsk, tsk. And, then, of course, what happens... in the TEs, I have a gazillion links to promote. And no one but God can garner enough credits to show them all enough to make any one of them successful. Splintering. I might as well not have a website... half the purpose (which is to be able to focus all effort on one, single page -- rather like a ray of sunshine through a magnet, with the website as the magnet) is ruined, you see.
What a waste.
So, in the next few days I hope to go back to the basics... sure, I can add a sales page to my site-- but it MUST have a link on the front page and people MUST go there first!
I know... duh, duh, and double-duh.
Why? Because, if you knew how much marketing I do... and how, theoretically, my page should be on the front page of google for online marketing... but it isn't. And that's all my fault.
It's SOOO easy to get distracted. Or to think that you can promote multiple pages effectively. NOT! SO Not! And, since I plan to add this blog to my site, too, it's not that important what its ranking is... at least MY visitors will have a chance to see it.
So, stay tuned. I will be adding posts much more regularly-- LOTs more, trust me! There is SO much I want to say about marketing and the changing face in online marketing today. Not sure how valuable or original it may be, but I do know I need to say it.
Labels: home page, online marketing, safelists