Coming Clean... and Catching Up
It's been some time since I last created an entry here.
One reason for that is that I knew I'd gotten off the track, as far as telling the full and complete and unbridled truth about working online... In fact, I'd turned this into nothing more than another splog.
Well, I intend to rectify that.
I also hope (though I'm not so sure I can promise it) to keep these entries reasonably short. But, then, that's always my hope. (sigh)
As to where I've been-- hell and back, the online version.
Basically, I got more and more involved with OPFM (Our Power Forced Matrix), because I did, initially see more success with that than anything else.
I became a forum moderator (mostly because I noticed there was only one site admin, so I volunteered); then he quit and they asked me to be the admin; then they bumped me up to manager, mostly because the other managers never listened to me otherwise... didn't matter. They still didn't listen.
I still get a couple of queries a day about, "what happened to OPFM?"
In a nutshell, it was scammed. Yes, you read that right... it wasn't A Scam; it WAS scammed. And the rat-b***ards that did it were convincing enough to even fool some very experienced and successful online business people. I was stupid enough to stand up to them, so they started spreading rumors about me, too...
In fact, they spread their poison over anyone who didn't side with them... except. I have proof. And I'm hanging on to it.
Well, that's the bulk of where I've been. I'll post more tomorrow. Right now, it's time to finish my safelist credit clicking.--mo