The Quality Of Mercy... ?
It's a known fact that I do a lot of marketing on safelists and traffic exchanges. Once you figure out the advantages of both, they're worth it.
But, let me tell you... one quality essential to this type of advertising is tolerance. A high degree of tolerance for a lot of idiotic ads that you must view from other programs... Of course, in both types of advertising, there are rules. And most of the reputable TEs and SLs follow up on those rules rigorously. (Rules include: no frame-breaking ads; no porn, etc.)
There's also a rule about pop-ups-- usually only one per page. Well, they need to amend that rule: no freezing pop-ups. I don't know if that's really the best term for it, but lately some new kind of command has become popular that forces the viewer to stop and manually close the pop-ups -- or freeze the page until you do -- before you can go on. There's one in particular (who shall remain nameless, since I have no intention of advertising for them. Anyway, anyone who has encountered it will know which one I mean), that really pushes it to the max... technically, it only has one pop-up, which you are forced to close-- but when you do, another pop-up appears; then another....
Of course, I have reported this site to every TE and SL in which I've encountered it. Ever since the "driver cleaner" virus hit last winter (which also used the same "freeze-pop-up" to initiate it), this is particularly offensive.
But what I often wonder is... does the site owner have any idea how many people his design drives AWAY with that kind of non-sense? I mean, I'd never sign up simply because I know those ads offend others-- and I don't believe offending people is an effective way to make a sale. Generally speaking, that's a really stupid way to market, especially when competing with tons of other programs that Don't offend anyone.
In fact, just now (the ka-zillionth time I saw that ad), I was tempted to write to the founder and say, "do you have any idea how many people want to string you up and/or run you out of Dodge because of your stupid ads????? Most say nothing... but that doesn't mean they're "okay" with your ad. They just can't be bothered speaking up. They know you'll be gone eventually."
To anyone who thinks those ads are a good idea; that some attention (even negative) is better because you stand out in a crowd: all I can say is, NOT!!!
Here's a newsflash: you will disappear sooner than later. Your advertising will never succeed because on the internet, offending prospective members does NOT encourage them to join... it encourages them to boycott your site-- and complain about you... like here."
Get a clue.